That is true for a general-purpose tool like Microsoft Office and even more for Visual Studio. Search all Mac shortcut is ⇧⌘F(Command+Shift+F).Knowing just a few keyboard shortcuts can improve your workflow dramatically. Search all Windows Shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+F. Searching in all files is very useful and used very frequently by developers. In mac shortcut is ⌃G VS Code Search in all Files

Alternatively, you can also open the go-to file menu with command + p first. To go to a line in the file, you use ctrl + g, then type a line number. We can simply use Ctrl+Shift+P in windows and ⇧⌘P(Command + Shift+ P) for mac to open command Palette. VS Code Open Command PaletteĬtrl+Shift+P : The command palette is very useful in VS Code. If we have moved from one location to another we can use the keyboard sequence Ctrl+– to move to the previous location and then you can return using Ctrl+Shift+–. When we have multiple files open at the same time, we might need a way to quickly move back and forth between two or three different locations in your code. VS Code Navigate Forward/Backward Ctrl+–/Ctrl+Shift+– You can mac shortcut for same in above table. For Block Comment, we can select lines of code and use Shift+Alt+A. We can select a block of code and use the key sequence Ctrl+K+C, it will comment out the section of code. In vscode many time we have to comment/uncomment the line of code or block of code from time to time. VS Code shortcuts vs code comment shortcut Select all occurrences of current selection Here is VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows, Mac and linux Command Action