Remove the Python 2.7 applications directory sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Python 2.7" Remove the third-party Python 2.7 framework sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/2.7 Basically, all you need to do is the following: NOTE: The steps listed below do not affect the Apple-supplied Python 2.7 they only remove a third-party Python framework, like those installed by installers. Remember to take backup while removing Python because there are major chances of malfunctioning.Do not attempt to remove any Apple-supplied system Python which are in /System/Library and /usr/bin, as this may break your whole operating system. We have included everything from uninstalling Pip to both versions of Python. This was our take on how to uninstall Python from Ubuntu. How to Uninstall MySQL in Ubuntu Wrapping up.If you want to remove Python 3, including its dependencies, configuration, and data, use the following command: If you want to remove Python 3 with configurations you have made, use the following commands: sudo apt purge python3 If you are willing to remove Python 3 with all its dependencies included, use the given commands: sudo apt remove -auto-remove python3 If you want to remove Python 3 due to some malfunctioning, you can follow the given commands: sudo apt remove python3 If you want to remove configuration files, data and dependencies included use the following command: sudo apt purge -auto-remove python2 If you want to remove Python 2 with all the configurations you have made, use the following command: sudo apt purge python2

If you want to remove dependencies of Python 2, use the following command: sudo apt remove -auto-remove python2 If you don’t need Python 2 installed on your system anymore, you can easily remove it by following commands: To remove configuration files, data, and dependencies completely, use the following command: sudo apt-get purge -auto-remove python3-pip Now, if you want to remove Pip with its configuration and data, use the following command: sudo apt-get purge python3-pip If you want to remove Pip with all its dependencies, use the following command: sudo apt-get remove -auto-remove python3-pip Open your Terminal and use the following command to remove Pip: sudo apt-get remove python3-pip Using Pip, you can install required packages and Libraries. Pip is a package manager for Python, which is similar to apt used on a daily basis to download and remove packages from Ubuntu. So let’s start with removing Pip from our system. We will show you how you can remove Python 2, Python 3, and Pip packages. Have a complete backup of your system before precoding further. Note: Removing Python from Ubuntu 20.04 can cause malfunctioning because many packages and tools heavily rely on Python. Integrated language: Python is an integrated language because we can easily integrate Python with other programming languages such as C and C++.